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December 11, 2010

Posted by sp in Life... Oh life..
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i’m sort of glad this is the only ‘safe’ haven i have left that very few people know about, more importantly a place that my school friends don’t know about.

i’ve been feeling out of sorts lately. partly out of fear of being a complete failure at life. the other part… that i will remain single and lonely for the rest of my life. all i see now are relationships popping up around me, left, right and centre, and needless to say i get insanely jealous, especially because of the tendency i have to think ‘what does she have that i don’t?’, ‘what makes her better than me?’, and the like. coupled with the fact that all i’ve ever attracted are weirdos who either think i’m easy or want in my pants, it really, really sucks.

i would to pretty much anything right now for someone to love me. and i don’t mean love me like a friend would or love me like my family does, but someone who would hold my hand when i need it, give me hugs just because (and i’ve been feeling hug deprived), and just text me random, sweet things just to make my day. even being able to fulfill one of those things would make me happier than i am now (i’m saying that if it’s going to be a long distance internet relationship and i don’t meet him in person until much later in life then so be it).

and i guess, it doesn’t help that i might kind of like a close friend (one who’s name doesn’t start with E), and i have no idea if the feeling’s mutual, even though we laugh every day, sit together almost every day, and do a lot of things together just because we are always in the same situation, whether we like it or not. i don’t want to think too much about it, in case i fall into the same hole i did half a year ago. sometimes, saying things straight up would be so much easier, even if it might be more painful.

I really hate life sometimes. June 22, 2010

Posted by sp in Life... Oh life..
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Basically, that’s it.

I get accused of plagiarism on the internet, trashed for what I write.

I’m feeling spiritually dry, desert-dry, the worst I’ve ever been.

I don’t think I’m datable. My movie date of sorts has been postponed 5 times already. By the same guy.

Struggling March 14, 2010

Posted by sp in Life... Oh life..
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I have plenty of this right now; on the internet, in church, in school, the list is endless. I’m trying so hard to live like a good person, or a person who’s respectable. It isn’t easy, but I’m glad there are still people who think I’m sincere and not the kind to intentionally hurt people or do things to upset them. That said, it doesn’t mean I don’t hurt people, although I tend to do that unknowingly.

From being trashed at on the internet, to struggling with losing myself just so I can be found again, and just coping with work in general, I can’t say life is really very fun at the moment. But oh well, I have to suck it up and just go with it. But it’s really really encouraging to know that people don’t always see me as a bad person despite how cold or aloof I may appear (this is what my mother tells me) or how sharp I am with my tongue. I’m glad there are still people who don’t know me that well who can see past all that.

To all the cheats and conartists out there, I’ve got my eye on you. December 6, 2009

Posted by sp in Debatables, Life... Oh life..
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I was at Macs studying today, and I witnessed quite a lot of crazy things today.

About a couple of weeks ago while I was studying at the library cafe, a Caucasian man walked in with a bag, and went round to every occupied table placing down a card and a key chain. The card read ‘I am deaf. Please help me by buying something, 1 for $6, 2 for $10. Thank you!’ in both English and Mandarin. After a round and no one responded, he took back all his cards and keychains and left.

Today, a Caucasian lady came and did the EXACT same thing. And the cards she used were the exact same ones the guy used, carrying the same message with the same yellow smiley on the top right corner of the card, and with keychains. She left after no one responded too.

My first theory was that they’re a couple masquerading as deaf folks trying to cheat people of their kindness. My dad suggested it might be a whole syndicate (after I told him what happened).

Something else happened too.

There were two girls sitting on my left, a table away and they were also studying. We were all on the upper deck of the second floor of Macs when this guy comes along, looks around, sits down at a chair, and then sits down next to the girls. He asked if they’ve seen a bag somewhere around, saying he’s lost his phone and wallet, and if he could borrow five dollars. Eventually they did lend him the money, and he offered to leave his number so they could call him and he could pay them back, but they didn’t take it. The guy left a while later, and I overheard the girls asking each other why he needs five dollars, ‘probably has a lot of calls to make or something’.

And then, I went downstairs to get some food, and he’s there, trying to cut my queue to order a coke. I was on my way back up when I saw him sitting down at a table with a sling pouch on him, holding a wallet and a wad of five dollar bills. I was SHOCKED. I went back upstairs and told them they probably weren’t the only ones whom the dude ‘borrowed’ money from, and told him he was downstairs with a wallet and a stack of fives.

One of the girls went downstairs under the guise of buying an apple pie, and when she came up she confirmed to her friend that he was really there, only she didn’t dare ask him for the money back.

My parents said they should have just called the police. His actions were suspicious enough, considering that I had a staring match with him before he sat down with the two girls, and I continued staring at him after that. If he really needed the money, why couldn’t he ask someone else, say an adult sitting on the lower deck before he came up to the upper deck? He probably wasn’t working alone, because he had his bag and wallet with him after that.

Guys, seriously. Watch out for people like that. It’s a lot worse than it really sounds, believe me.

As for me, I’m just glad that I was already suspicious right from the start.

DOUBLE STANDARDS, OIC. December 3, 2009

Posted by sp in Fangirling, Random.
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So… I made a post on OMNTD. More like attempted to, because it got rejected.

It wasn’t the most important of posts, neither was it significant news or whatever. But because someone posted earlier on OMNTD a YT video of Teletubbies dancing to RDD. Then I remembered watching a YT video of Teletubbies dancing to Sorry Sorry. So I figured, might as well post it and share it.

MY POST GOT REJECTED. That’s not what I’m so butt-hurt about. Well I’m not exactly butt-hurt, just indignant at the double standards.

“Fanmade videos can be posted at omona_lounge.”


I bet it’s one of the new mods. I can’t be bothered telling the mods I know about this, because it’s just not that important. But seriously though, OMNTD is just not a fun place to be anymore with all the behind-the-scenes drama that I know, and somehow I get the impression that the selection of mods depends on how close you are to a current mod. Hur.

I’ll just stick with watching from the bleachers and let the world go by.