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New Year’s Day January 1, 2009

Posted by sp in Food, Hanging Out.
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Happy New Year! It’s been quite a start to the new year, and no, I haven’t made any new year resolutions. Perhaps the only one I’ll make and really try to achieve is working hard for my semesters and pulling up my lousy GPA.

My first morning of 2009 was quite crazy. Prior to the turn of the new year, I had a nice dinner out with my parents at House of Seafood for crabs. We ordered a medium black pepper crab and a medium butter crab, with spinach in oyster sauce. The spinach was good, and I quite happily chomped down on it while waiting for the crabs. The crabs came, and I was completely caught off guard by the butter crab. The butter crab I expected was supposed have creamy gravy with curry leaves and chilli padi slices. But no, what was laid on the table was platter of crab parts that have been deep fried batter. The crab had been fried in butter (which I bet was LOTS of it) and even though I couldn’t place what was in the batter, it tasted GREAT! The butter seeped in between the cracks in the shell into the flesh, which made the flesh very smooth and tasty. Mmmm I’m actually salivating while I’m thinking about it. HAHAHA!

Anyway, went for Watchnight Service a couple of hours after dinner and counted down to 2009. After that some of us made our way to Liangzhi’s house to hang out. I’m still trying to get over the fact that I spent the whole of the first 6 hours of 2009 playing MAHJONG with Jacko, Shel, Sam, Nigel, Kelyn, Ben and Edward (we rotated of course). I’m still noob at it, although I had a few lucky streaks for some of the games. During the earlier games, Bryan had a some drinks and he was HIGH. Conversation topics were going in wrong directions with wrong innuendos to match. There were a few insensitive questions asked, but looking at the one who asked them, it’s not a surprise where the questions came from. By 5am I was completely seh and felt super pek chek playing. Around 6.30am Kang Wei drove us (The Liews, myself and Bryan) home.

Was so dead tired when I got home, which makes me wonder how I managed to shower without falling asleep. But sleep I did, and I didn’t wake up till 3 in the afternoon. Had a late lunch with my mum and we did some grocery shopping. Home, and I settled to finding a good cookie recipe for a friend’s birthday. This is what happens when you’re out of ideas for birthday gifts. Pfffft.

And I’m still tired, more so from watching my downloads which are moving at snail’s pace.

In any case, Happy 2009!