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DOUBLE STANDARDS, OIC. December 3, 2009

Posted by sp in Fangirling, Random.
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So… I made a post on OMNTD. More like attempted to, because it got rejected.

It wasn’t the most important of posts, neither was it significant news or whatever. But because someone posted earlier on OMNTD a YT video of Teletubbies dancing to RDD. Then I remembered watching a YT video of Teletubbies dancing to Sorry Sorry. So I figured, might as well post it and share it.

MY POST GOT REJECTED. That’s not what I’m so butt-hurt about. Well I’m not exactly butt-hurt, just indignant at the double standards.

“Fanmade videos can be posted at omona_lounge.”


I bet it’s one of the new mods. I can’t be bothered telling the mods I know about this, because it’s just not that important. But seriously though, OMNTD is just not a fun place to be anymore with all the behind-the-scenes drama that I know, and somehow I get the impression that the selection of mods depends on how close you are to a current mod. Hur.

I’ll just stick with watching from the bleachers and let the world go by.

Um, inapropriate. August 16, 2009

Posted by sp in Friend, Random.
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I just remembered that I had a strange dream from my nap an hour ago. It had to do with a certain someone, and this is the second time he’s appeared in my dream. And again, it was a very um, date-y scenario? The last I remember we were holding hands or something.

DNW this dream. I’ve long gotten over him. DNW. It’s not going to make me feel better about starting school.

I’m not much of a log. May 8, 2009

Posted by sp in Food, Random.
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I wasn’t exactly dead to the world when it happen. I didn’t really sleep like a log when it happened. In fact, I told myself I’ll wake up when it’s over, and I did.

It was quite a thunderstorm just a while ago. The drops were pummeling the metal window sill like bullets and I could have sworn the water sounded like it was splashing against my window. Something told me to check the rest of the windows in the house to make sure they’re closed, but me being the same lazy me didn’t bother. It was a good thing my parents closed all the windows before they left, if not I’d be drowning in rainwater.

It was nice, having a roof over my head while the storm raged, but half of me actually wanted to go out there without an umbrella and just take a walk in the rain. It’s been long since I did that (and I do that without actually coming back with a cold), and somehow the feeling of standing under the shower head doesn’t quite give me the same satisfaction. Not having to run out of the rain, seeking shelter. Not trying to shield myself from it. Just walking through it. What a nice thought.

Today is suppose to be ‘cook in’ day (I’d love to say cookout day but it’s not within my capacity to do that) with FL. She’s probably still asleep, but if everything goes well, I’m supposed to take a shower after this, head down to the supermarket and buy some groceries for myself (I love grocery shopping, and I have no idea why.), come home and make pesto (Yes I managed to get basil again!) and wait for her to come over so we can make pasta, mushroom soup and trifle.

Perhaps I should go wake that girl up now. The thought of food is making me hungry.

So rare the update, April 1, 2009

Posted by sp in Random.
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I wonder if I should just move to Livejournal permanently. Somehow blogging on WordPress doesn’t feel as good as blogging on Livejournal.

Perhaps, a move. Not yet though. I haven’t a lot of things to say on WordPress that I wouldn’t say on Livejournal. Yet, there are a lot of things I would say on Livejournal that I wouldn’t say on WordPress.

Click only if you’re interested, because this is what I’ve been doing. Just for fun. Over here.

Right. Toodles.

Testing February 24, 2009

Posted by sp in Random.
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From Windows Live Writer. This would make blogging sooooooooooo much easier, because now I just have ONE programme, and I can blog for all my blogs at the same time! The only thing is that if I blog from here my posts will all be the standard kinds… Hmmmm. But that’s not much to worry about. (:


WOAH. I just realised this. That my blogs are being updated SIMULTANEOUSLY. Which means, that I have double posts! Okay that wouldn’t be too good. Ah I shall see how I can fix this.